Anyone who spends much time looking at lambda expressions quickly realizes that they rock and are very clean and useful. I find myself using simple ones every day, but I thought I’d lay out some quick tips for anyone that shares my fondness of lambdas. If you’ve never learned about lambdas, hopefully this will help you get started.


Lambda expressions are nothing more than a shorthand syntax for delegates. Anything that passes a Func<>, Predicate<>, Action<>, or any other delegate can use a lambda for a clean implementation.

A Simple Example

List<string> names = new List<string>();
names.AddRange(new string[] { "John", "Mark", "Jacob", "Greg", "Adam" });
var namesThatStartWithJ = names.Where(x => x.StartsWith("J"));```

Notice the “x =>” part? That just defines the parameter that you would normally pass to the delegate. A more verbose implementation would be as follows.

List names = new List(); names.AddRange(new string[] { “John”, “Mark”, “Jacob”, “Greg”, “Adam” }); var namesThatStartWithJ = names.Where(new Func<string, bool>(delegate(string x) { return x.StartsWith(“J”); }));```

Also notice In the first example, you did not have to specify that you were returning a boolean or even what value you were returning.

Multiple Parameters

You will quickly find that there are cases in which you need to take more than one parameter in a lambda. In that case, simple enclose the parameters in parentheses before the “=>”.

Comparison<string> comparison = new Comparison<string>((x, y) => x.CompareTo(y));

Now isn’t that so much cleaner than specifying a full anonymous delegate?

Multiple Statements

Some times, you have the need to specify multiple statements in a lambda. To do so, enclose the statements in {}. For example, let’s say you want to iterate all items in a List and conditionally take actions.

List<DateTime> birthdates = GetBirthdates();
birthdates.ForEach(x =>
    TimeSpan age = DateTime.Today.Subtract(x);

## Type Inference

Another option for the previous example would be to convert each birthdate to a TimeSpan first, then write the TimeSpan values out.

List birthdates = GetBirthdates(); IEnumerable agesInDays = birthdates.ConvertAll(x => DateTime.Today.Subtract(x)); agesInDays.ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.TotalDays));```

It’s important to note the incredible fact that lambda expressions use type inference to determine what return type is used. I didn’t need to specify that I was converting the objects to TimeSpan. The fact that my lambda called DateTime.Today.Subtract(x) indicates that I’m converting to TimeSpan.

Also, you may have noticed that I converted my IEnumerable to a List<> in order to call ForEach. I don’t understand why an enumeration method was not included with the other LINQ extensions in the 3.5 framework. Seeing as how it simply enumerates the list, it doesn’t seem List<> specific to me. I tend to create my own ForEach extension in my projects as it comes in handy often. For more information on Extension methods, see my previous post.

Assigning Lambdas To Delegates

Looking back at that example using the Comparison, we can actually trim that up a little.

Comparison<string> comparison = (x, y) => x.CompareTo(y);

You don’t even have to specify a “new Comparison()”. You can assign delegates directly to a lambda expression and the compiler just figures it all out.